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2º ESO Chapter 6 Vocab

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't want to run this race. I ______ ___.
Give up
What is something you can win?
A game, sport, competition
What is an ambulance?
A car that comes to help sick people and brings them to the hospital.
Name three video games.
Call of duty, GTA, Minecraft, etc
What does it meant to injure something?
It means to hurt or cause pain to someone or something.
What do you carry with you everyday?
Phone, water, books, bag, wallet
What does it mean to train?
To exercise or practice a sport.
Describe what you use a printer for.
To put images or words on paper.
What is in a first aid kit?
Bandages, alcohol, antibiotics
What time do you arrive to school in the morning?
I don't feel well. I am going to _________.
Lie down
My baby likes to ______.
I love listening to music with my ________.
Tell me three things that are dangerous.
Fire, animals, guns, poison
Tell me one way you can break your leg.
Falling down, a sport
What does it mean to forget something?
You can not remember it.
Desribe the difference between falling down and falling off of something.
Falling down means that you fall onto the floor, and falling off of something means that an object fell from a table (for example) to the floor.
Who do you call for help?
112, family, friends, police
Name three things with a screen.
TV, phone, computer, video game
Name three parts of a computer.
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.