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Energy transfer

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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By what process does heat energy move through a vacuum?
By What process does heat energy move through a gas or liquid?
By what process does heat energy move through a solid?
What source of energy is non renewable, but not a fossil fuel?
Nuclear (Uranium 235)
Name 3 sources of renewable energy
wind, solar, wave, tidal, geothermal, gravitational potential energy
Name three sources of energy which are fossil fuels
Oil, Coal and Natural Gas
What type of energy is transferred around a circuit?
What is the force used by the brakes of a bike, to transfer kinetic energy into thermal energy?
A cars brakes transfer the kinetic energy of a moving car into what type of energy?
A TV transfers electrical energy in to what 3 types of energy?
Light, Sound and thermal
Energy from the sun is transferred to earth as what type of energy?
When you burn coal, the chemical energy is transferred as what type of energy?
Thermal + Light
What type of energy is stored in fuels such as coal?
Chemical energy
What type of energy is store in the nucleus of an atom?
Nuclear energy
What type of energy is stored in a sandwich?
Chemical Energy
What type of energy is store in a battery?
Chemical Energy
When a tennis ball is drop it transfers gravitational potential energy into which type of energy?
Friction is a force which transfers energy in what form?
Thermal (heat) energy
Can energy be created?
No, only stored or transferred
What is the name of the energy store when objects are up high?
Gravitational potential energy
What is the name of the movement energy store?
Kinetic energy