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Who is the man in the image?
Elvis Presley
3 members of your team have to make a funny face on camera to earn points.
One member of your team must tell an embarrassing story to earn points.
Make an Elephant sound as a team to earn points
What is the correct way to eat a cheese string? Bite into it or Peel it?
Peel it
What is the loudest recorded fart of all time? 168dB, 79dB, 100dB, 40dB.
What is Mr. Adams' favourite colour ? Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Purple
What is Mr. Adams' favourite movie ? Batman, Lion King, Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean.
How many bones does a shark have?
Who was the first man on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
How many colours are in a rainbow ?
What is Mr. Adams' dogs name ? Sparky, Fred, Henry, Beefy
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
Pacific Ocean
What school did Harry Potter go to?
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
What is the world record for the number of hot dogs eaten in one sitting?
74, 56, 103, 39
What is the largest planet in our solar system ?
How many legs does a lobster have?
Name an animal that cant jump.
Elephant, Hippo, Sloth, Rhino
What is Mr. Adams favourite food ? Pizza / Chicken Parm / or Chicken WIngs?
Chicken Parm