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False friends II

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My grandfather is getting old and his hearing/audition isn't very good.
My grandfather is getting old and his hearing isn't very good.
She wore a green wool suit with matching accesories/compliments.
She wore a green wool suit with matching accesories.
She sent her résumé/summary to 50 companies, but didn't even get an interview.
She sent her résumé to 50 companies, but didn't even get an interview.
When in Rome, they covered a large/long distance on foot.
When in Rome, they covered a large distance on foot.
The only thing which keeps me sane/healthy after a hard day in the office is jogging.
The only thing which keeps me sane after a hard day in the office is jogging.
The theme/plot of the lecture will be sustainable economy.
Stir/Remove the sauce gently until it begins to boil.
Stir the sauce gently until it begins to boil.
Don't molest/bother him when he's working.
Don't bother him when he's working.
Introduce/insert the credit card into the machine.
Insert the credit card into the machine.
If you ate more fibre you wouldn't get constipated/the flu.
If you ate more fibre you wouldn't get constipated.
The argument/plot consists almost entirely of a man and woman falling in love
The plot consists almost entirely of a man and woman falling in love