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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What activity is in the picture?
going sightseeing
Translate: Stretol si milých ľudí?
Did you meet nice people?
Translate: My zvyčajne ostávame v hoteli, ale minulý rok sme ostali v chatke.
We usually stay in a hotel, but last year we stayed in a cabin.
Play or go? swimming
go swimming
Play or go? Volleyball
play volleyball
Translate: Kedy si odišiel?
When did you leave?
Translate: S kým si hral tenis?
Who did you play tennis with?
I went there ... Monday morning.
Make a question: weekend / Did/ go/ to/ the/ last/ you/ cinema ?
Did you go to cinema last weekend?
Translate: Nedeľa bol pekný deň a ja som nechcel ostať v posteli.
Sunday was a lovely day and I didn´t want to stay in bed.
Translate: Včera Kristin vstala neskoro, upratala jej byt a pozvala nejakých priateľov.
Yesterday Kristin got up late, cleaned her flat and invited some friends.
What is the past tense of "see"?
Translate: My sme mali dobrý čas!
We had a good time!