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End of April 2021 Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The unique smell of rain actually comes from plant oils, bacteria, and _______.
The hottest temperature ever recorded in Washington state was at Ice Harbor Dam at what temperature?
118 Fahrenheit or 47.8 Celsius
The needle-shaped parts of some plants that are actually leaves are called _______.
Which of the following roman numerals is written incorrectly? A) XIV B) VIX C) IVX D) XVI
How do you write 187 in roman numerals?
How do you write 389 in roman numerals?
What number is the following roman numeral? CCCXII
When blowing snow fills the air and makes it difficult to see anything around is called a __________. A) Blackout B) Whiteout C) Blizzard D) Blanket
B) Whiteout
Which part of the United States where there is a greater chance of a blizzard occuring? A) West Coast B) North C) South D) East Coast
D) East Coast
Which animal in the reading sleeps the most? A) Sloth B) Little black bats C) Little brown bats D) Iguanas
C) Little brown bats
What is it called when water falls to the ground, such as hail, sleet, rain, or snow?
What is it called when water changes from gas to a liquid state?
What is the first step of the water cycle?
What type of plants do thorns usually grow on?
Trees or large shrubs
Nightshade, a type of plant, uses what defense mechanism? A) Camaflouge B) Poison C) Spikes D) Movement
B) Poison
What does cactus use to defend itself? A) Spikes B) Thorns C) Spines D) Prickles
C) Spines
What do roses have on their stems as defense? A) Thorns B) Spines C) Spikes D) Prickles
D) Prickles
What type of storm is known for their strong winds and biting cold? A) Wind Chill B) Blizzards C) Alberta Clipper D) Hurricane
C) Alberta Clippers
In blizzards, winds blow at speeds of _____ miles per hour. A) 25 B) 30 C) 35 D) 40
C) 35
In the story called Blizzards, the "Great White Hurricane" occurred in what year? A) 1789 B) 1888 C) 1898 D) 1998
B) 1888
Which of the following animal does not sleep with half its brain? A) Dolphins B) Horses C) Ducks
B) Horses
Which of the following animal sleeps the least? A) Giraffe B) Dolphin C) Ducks D) Seals
A) Giraffe