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Things in your bag

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this? I have a .... I'm going to ..........
What is this? He ....... a .... . He .... going to ..........
phone. mobile phone cell phone (USA / South Africa) smart phone /dumb phone
What is this?  Mary  ....... a .... . .... .... going to ..........
A laptop.In English your "lap" is the space that exisits on you legs when you sit down. When my daughter was young she would sit on my lap while I read to her
What is this? These are my ...........    going to ........
A pair of glasses. Do you need spectacles?
What is this? George has just bought a .......  He  .... going to .....
A spare battery is useful if your phone is old or you are going on a journey.
What is this? I have lost my ...... I ... going to......
A bunch of keys. I have a keyring just like this.
What is this? Elizabeth ....... a .... . .... .... going to ..........
A pencil case.  There are 4 crayons in this pencil case.
What is this? Thomas has broken his .......  ....... ....... going to ..........   on Saturday.
A backpack. We used to call them rucksacks when I was young.
What is this? Make a sentence to win points.   Don't put your .............. there!   You ...... going to .....
Sunglasses. A pair of sunglasses is singular. Sunglasses are plural. Where are my sunglasses? They are on the shelf over there.
What is this? Dad has got his ........ out.  He .... going to .... 
A wallet.
What is this? Granny has got her .......... out.  She ...... going to ............
Purse. But a purse in the USA is what the Brits call a handbag!
What is this? Oh dear, Elizabeth has hurt her knee.  Mum .... going to put a pl..... on it.
A plaster. When Mary scratched her leg her mother stuck a plaster on it.
What is this? Oh no you've got a bad cold.  You ..... going to need those ..............
A pack of tissues. Some people always carry paper tissues with them.
What is this? We ..... going to go to Bourg-enBresse to pick up our new  ..........
ID card. The UK does not have a national ID card.
What is this? Oh good, you have got your .........    Are you going to ........?
penknife / Swiss Army knife This is such a usefl thing to have.
What is this? ......... you going to ............?
Earphones / headphones. I always lose my headphones.
What is this? We found this ....... in the cupboard.  We .... going to .....
Some people don't like chocolate!!!!
What are these? Have you got any ...........?    I .... going to ......
Paper clip. These are very useful for getting your SIM card out.
What are these? Have you got any .........?  I .... going to  ......... basketball and I need to put my hair in a pony tail.
Hair scruchie / hair tie / hair elastic eg Because my hair is short I have no need for these.
What are these? We have lots of .........  We ..... going to fire them at each other.
Rubber band. Elastic band. I like firing these at my children!