Edit Game
HW Upper-Int, U 12

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I didn´t see the game, but ..., it must have been interesting, since we won!
Refuse strongly: "So you're going to bring Kev, are you?" "Not ... ... ... !"
on your life
I got to the bank in the ... ... .... . It was just about to close.
nick of time
Little black dress is still fashionable clothing item. It´s really ... ... ... ... ...
stood the test of time
No need to hurry. Take ... ....
your time
Use synonyms: You may dream of giving up the BUSYNESS of town life.
hustle and bustle
Use synonyms: You need COURAGE to live there.
Use synonyms: Sandy the postman (who IS ALSO a fisherman) will put it on the next boat.
doubles as
Explain: Time may be a great healer, but a lousy beautician.
student´s own answer
Explain: It´s marvellous to be able to follow my nose around a city.
follow your instincts rather than a plan
Explain: When they told me I was on the redundancy list, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
it affected me really badly
Explain: Debating details of the law, it just doesn´t grab me.
it doesn´t interest me
Put these stages og life in the order: middle age/ infancy/ old age/ adulthood/ teenage years/ yound adult/ childhood.
Infancy, childhood, teenage years, young adult, adulthood, middle age, old age
This/ That/ These or Those? Children have no respect for authority ... days, right?
Fill in: A both / B all/ C every - ... my friends like dancing/ ... person in my class is friendly./ ... my parents are Scottish.
B, C, A
Fill in: A eggs/ B the eggs/ C an egg - Would you like ... / Do all birds lay ... / Where did I put ...?
C, A, B
Ako čelíte všetkým veciam, ktoré musíte robiť?
How do you tackle all the things you have to do?
Ako by ste opísali vaše tempo života?
How would you describe your pace of life?