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Food Science

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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List 2 environmental factors.
Air we breath, food you eat, people you hang out with, etc...
What happens to the body after 1-2 weeks of not having food.
It starts to use the proteins as food, muscles start to degrade.
What is the function of potassium in our bodies?
Help our muscles contract. Prevent cramping.
Give 2 functions of water in our bodies
Dissolve, regulate temp., keep blood healthy, flush toxins out,
What is the function of iron in our bodies?
Help us use oxygen
What kind of foods would you find iron in?
Red meats, enriched cereal and grains.
What kind of foods would you find vitamin C in?
Citrus fruits, lemons, limes, blackcurrant, etc...
What did we have to do to the protein solution to test it?
Add heat
What chemical did we use to test for sugar?
Benedicts solution
What tool did we use to test for fat?
Brown paper / Parchment paper / baking paper
What chemicals did we use to test for protein?
Bieuret 1 and 2
What chemical did we use to test for starch?
Which of the two types of carbohydrates give you energy?
Which of the two types of carbohydrates help with your digestive system?
What are the two types of carbohydrates we covered?
Starch, Fiber
Give 2 examples of healthy sources of fat.
Avocado, vegetable oils, oily fish, etc...
What is the function of fat in our body?
Storage of energy, used when all carbs are gone.
What disease would you develop if you had an excess of fat in your diet?
What is a symptom of kwashiorkor?
Extend "pot belly", loss of muscle mass, enlarged liver, vulnerable to infections, etc...
What food deficiency would you suffer from if you lacked vitamin D?
What food deficiency disease would you suffer from if you lacked calcium.
Give an example of 2 minerals.
Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Sodium, etc...
What types of foods contains carbohydrates?
Grain, breads, fruits, etc...
If you lack protein in your diet, what food deficiency will you suffer from?
If you lack vitamin C in your diet, what deficiency will you suffer from?
If you had just finished a workout, what type of food nutrient would best suit your recovery?
The food nutrient that helps rebuild your muscles.
The food nutrient that gives you quick, usable energy.