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Ebb, Flo + What Brad Found?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The meaning is 'the water that goes up and down in the sea.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'to talk to each other in a friendly way.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'a snack like a cookie' What is the word?
Where do Ebb and the baby Seal play?
in the rock pools, waves and the sand.
What did Ebb hear from the beach?
Wah! Wah!
What was Flo busy doing?
What was Ebb doing at the beginning of the story?
She was sitting and listening to the rain and the wind.
True or False. Brad found a baby under the flowers.
False. A dog.
True or False. Brad was surprised with what he found.
True or False. Dad likes all kinds of surprises.
False. Dad does not.
True or False. Brad hoped he could keep the dog.
True or False. The dog was going to have pups soon.
What did the noise outside sound like?
What did Brad find outside?
A dog.
What did Brad want?
to KEEP the dog and HELP the dog.
Where does the dog live?
Down the road.
What did Brad's Dad suggest at the end of the story?
ask the owner if Brad could have a puppy.
The meaning is 'a long and soft chair to sit or lie on.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'to listen.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'to yell out in a loud voice.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'a type of something.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'to think about something and know it happened.' What is the word?
The meaning is 'to want something eagerly' What is the word?