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WW5 Lesson 3 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Today's turtles are similar to their ancestors. This means they: are like other animals that share their environment or have not changed much in a very long time?
Have not changed much in a very long time
What would a carnivorous animal want to eat: grass, wild branches, fruit, meat?
One way to preserve strawberries is to: eat them, make them into jam, throw them away?
Make them into jam
In the fog, the road signs were obscure. This means they were: hard to read, too bright, too far apart?
hard to read
Scammers prey on older people. This means they: hunt them, trick them, give them stuff.
trick them
The purpose of a comprehension exam is to test your: writing, math, speaking, understanding?
Dodo birds are extinct. This means they are: hard to find, very interesting, no longer exist.
No longer exist.
We played for the duration of the night. That means: we played at the beginning of the night or we played the whole night?
We played the whole night.
The man in front of me obscured the movie screen. True or false: He made it difficult to see.This means he
Every passenger survived the accident. This means: no one was hurt, no one died?
No one died
To comprehend a poem is to: write it, understand it, discuss it thoroughly, recite it?
understand it
What's an example of an ancestor? sister, cousin, great-grandma, granddaughter?
What's the opposite of an extinct volcano: uninteresting, unattractive, multiple, live?
What's the opposite of optional: required, exciting, simple, difficult?
What's the opposite of prey: followers, relatives, hunters, pests?
What's the opposite of puny: large, quiet, loud, grumpy?
What's the opposite of preserve: fence, destroy, restore, forget?
What's the opposite of premature: wise, childish, smart, late?
What's the opposite of obscure: playful, exciting, clear, important?
What's the opposite of gigantic: enormous, tiny, bland, crude?
What's the opposite of ferocious: noisy, fierce, mild, amusing?
What's the opposite of carnivore: plant eater, mammal, giant, swimmer?
plant eater