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Book Club finals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you need to do spells?
a magic wand / a spell book
What do you need to cook a potion?
a cauldron
How many types of balls were there in Quidditch?
three: Quaffle, Bludgers and Snitch
What was the name of the only maker of the Philosopher's Stone?
Nicholas Flamel
Why did Sponge Bob feel bad inside Sandy's dome?
There was no water in it.
What do you call your smallest finger?
pinky finger
"When a pure and innocent soul fells sorry for me, only then will I find peace". Which book is it?
The Canterville Ghost
What colour did the ghost use after there was no red paint left?
How many brothers had Miss Virginia got?
three (an elder brother and younger twins)
What did Ursula take from Ariel?
her voice
Where did Ariel see the prince for the first time?
In the sea - she saved him.
Where did Shrek live?
on a swamp
Who was Shrek's best friend?
a donkey
What did the King from the book "The Emperor's new dress" like most of all?
cloaks / to change
Why did the King walk naked (without clothes)?
He thought that his clothes were magic / invisible. The tailors were knaves.
Where did Arthur find the magic sword?
in the tournament / on the market square / in London
What was the name of the boy who pulled the sword from the stone?
What did Jack do with the beanstalk after he climbed down?
He cut it down.
What did Jack steal from the giant's castle?
a magic harp, a magic hen and some coins
What did Jack get for the cow instead of money?
magic beans