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The Two Natures of Jesus: Human & Divine

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Jesus called the 'Suffering Servant'?
In light of the Paschal Mystery, early Christian believers detected clear parallels between Jesus and the suffering servant in the Book of Isaiah
What does it mean to call Jesus 'Lord' and 'Redeemer'?
When people address Jesus as Lord, it demonstrates not only profound respect and trust, but also the fact that Jesus is God.
Who were the Sadducees?
A Jewish sect known for its strong commitment to the Temple in Jerusalem
Who were the Pharisees?
A Jewish sect known for its strict observance of Jewish Law
Who were the scribes?
Jewish legal scholars or teachers of Jewish law
What is the hypostatic union?
The union of Jesus Christ's divine & human natures in one Divine Person
How do the Gospels help us to understand Jesus' religious life as a Jew?
Scripture has accounts of Jesus growing up following Jewish Laws & Traditions
Name some human emotions and characteristics that Jesus experienced
frustration, hunger, pain, fatigue, anger, suffering, sorrow, joy, happiness, friendship,
What are the two natures of Jesus Christ?
Human and Divine
What does sanctify mean?
To make holy; the process of responding to God's grace