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Let's Act!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One of you is so jealous about something. What is it?
So jelly!
You forgot to eat breakfast. How do you feel?
Wanna cookie?
You just had the worst day at school. What happened?
Tomorrow is a new day!
You just won the lotto. What are you going to do with the money?
You're rich!
You look like you're in a bad mood. Wanna talk about it?
Sorry for asking!
You just met your new best friend. How are you going to spend the day?
BFFs <3
Your relationship no longer works. It's time to end it.
Have a nice life!
One of you is guilty of a terrible crime. Explain why they are innocent.
You plan to take over the world. Talk about how you are going to do it.
Your husbands are out of town. Plan your evening together.
Great job ladies!
You just won the world cup. How does it feel?
Go team!
You just got the most shocking text message. Read it out.
No way!
Make up the most unbelievable story you can think of.
That happened!
Tell your mom about the terrible thing you did yesterday.
Why would you do that?
You're at the most boring party in the world. Pretend you are enjoying yourselves when you talk to the host.
I want to go home!
One of you just did something really embarrassing. Share the story with everyone.
Oh no!
Have a heated discussion about who should get the last cookie and why.
A reporter interviews astronauts that just came back from the moon.
Welcome back!