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Genes and Heredity

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In pea plants, green (G) is dominant. Yellow (g) is recessive. Why can a plant with yellow pods never be a hybrid?
A hybrid would have one dominant allele and one recessive (Gg). The dominant trait would show and the plant would be green, not yellow.
What is probability?
the likelihood something will happen
An organisms alleles is its ___.
An organism's physical appearance is its ___.
What are the physical characteristics that are studied in genetics called?
If a ___ allele is present, its trait will appear in the organism.
In pea plants, the tall-stem allele and the short-stem allele are different forms of the same ___.
Why did Mendel use a paintbrush in his experiments with peas?
to control the fertilization of the plants
In this Punnett Square, which type of trait is homozygous?
In this Punnett Square, what percentage of organisms would be heterozygous dominant?
In this Punnett Square, what percentage of organisms would have green pea pods?
A chart used to predict results of genetic crosses is ___.
a punnett square
If G represents the dominant allele of a gene, then g would represent the ____.
recessive allele
An organism whose family consists of generations of organisms with a variety of traits is called ___.
a hybrid
An organism who is the offspring of many generations of organisms with the same traits is called ___.