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Tangible World Heritage in Spain

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three ingredients of a Valencian Paella.
Rice, chicken, tomato.
Rice, red sausage (chorizo), chicken.
Rice, prawns, peas.
Rice, pineapple, barbecue sauce.
The mosque of Córdoba was originally a christian temple. True or False?
True, it was built on the remains of a church.
Tik-tok and Instagram can be educational apps.
Absolutely YES! You'll see why very soon!
Paintings, scluptures and coins are examples of immovable tangible heritage. True or False?
False, they are examples of movable tangible heritage.
Atapuerca is the name of...
An archeological site.
A natural park in the mountains.
A variety of oranges which grows in Algemesí.
A popular nightclub in Algemesí.
Algemesí has lots of fields where they mainly plant...
Carrots, potatoes and other vegetables.
Magic mushrooms.
La Alhambra is a heritage site placed in...
Córdoba has an impressive mosque. True or False
True, its mosque dates from the 8th Century.
Where is Burgos?
In the North of Spain, in the center.
Burgos is a fake name, it doesn't exist.
Northwest of Spain.
On an island near Ibiza.
Antonio Gaudí was a famous Spanish...
Football player
True or False: Granada is near Madrid, in the center of Spain.
False. It is in the South of Spain in Andalucía.
Where is Córdoba?
South of Spain
North of Spain
East of Spain
Ask your father, I don't know!
How many world heritage sites has Spain got?
Which countries are in this Erasmus project?
Croatia, Portugal, Italy and Spain
In which part of Spain is Algemesí?
Near the East coast in Comunitat Valenciana
Three types of tangible heritage are...
Movable, immovable and underwater.
Archeological, movable and natural.
Movable, immovable and natural.