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FCAT Review Physical Science

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In a(n) ______________ mixture, like a salad, you can see the different parts.
The fact that matter is not created or destroyed in any chemical or physical change is called the law of ___________________.
Conservation of Matter
A(n) _____________ is a substance formed from two or more elements that are chemically combined in a set ratio.
A __________________is formed when two more substances are so evenly mixed that you can't see the different parts.
What is vaporization?
Liquid turning into gas
Soil, salad, and sugar water are all examples of
How do liquid water, ice, and water vapor differ from each other?
Different States of matter
The measurement of how much matter an object contains is its
Substances that cannot be broken down chemically into other substances are
One example of a Physical change is
Cutting cake, dissolving salt
One example of a chemical change is
Burning Wood, Baking Cake, ect
The atomic mass of an element is a combination of the masses of what
Protons and Neutrons
An unbalanced force is identified by
A change in motion
All particles that make up matter are
All subatomic particles have a charge except
The density of a substance
Is a characteristic property
An element is made of
The same kind of atoms
Sound must travel travel through...
a medium
All the subatomic particle of an atom are in the nucleus except
The particles of a solid are
Close together and vibrating in place
If there is no change in the motion of an object, its forces are
The periodic table is arranged by
Atomic Number
The atomic number tells you
How many protons there are in the atom
An skier starting at the top of a slope and moving down has what energy?
Kinetic and potential energy
To increase the pitch of a sound, you have to
Increase the frequency
An example of refraction is:
Light bending through water
A book is on a shelf, how would you increase it's potential energy?
Move it to a higher shelf
The law of conservation of energy tells us that...
Energy can change from one form to another
Which EM wave has the shortest wavelength?
Gamma Ray
A truck pulled a trailer of fruit to the store; this is an example of what force?
Unbalanced Force
Which subatomic particle is the smallest?