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Ancient Civilization

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In what continent can you find Greece?
In CE, the farther the date from zero the newer the events. True or False?
In CE,, we count dates in what order?
ascending order
Which comes first in a timeline? 1200 BCE or 1800 CE?
1200 BCE
In BCE we count dates in what order?
descending order
It is a chronological arrangement of events in the order of their occurrence.
This civilization can be considered the most urban society of the time.
Ancient Rome
Time periods are marked by dynasties each dynasty has a different ruler.
Ancient China
Ancient Egypt was ruled by who?
What civilization arose a bit after Mesopotamia?
The region is now home to modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey and Syria.
Ancient Mesopotamia
This was build to protect the land from the invading Mongols.
Great Wall
They develop the democratic system of government.
This civilization is now the modern day Pakistan and Western India.
Indus Valley
This civilization was centered around the River Nile.
Which is considered the cradle of civilization? Egypt, China or Mesopotamia?
What civilization comes first, Rome, Greece or Medieval Europe?