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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Keď nevieš, koho by si mal voliť, nemal by si voliť.
If you don´t know who you should vote, you shouldn´t vote.
Is whisky a weak drink?
No, whisky is a strong drink.
Toto nie je ani stolička, ani stôl - toto je kniha.
This is neither chair, nor table - this is a book.
Čo teraz robíš? Sedím a počúvam Funrádio.
What are you doing? I´m sitting and listening to the Funradio.
Čo robíš? Som učiteľ.
What do you do? I´m a teacher.
Si vždy ochotný pomôcť iným ľuďom?
Are you always willing to help other people?
Aké ovocie a zeleninu si si kúpil na trhu?
What fruit and vegetables did you buy at the market?
Čo si si priniesol do práce včera?
What did you bring to work yesterday?
weeks/me/ago/you/know/Did/two ?
Did you know me two weeks ago?
My lunch (not smell) bad on Monday.
My lunch didn´t smell bad on Monday.
I (not leave) work late yesterday.
I didn´t leave work late yesterday.
What´s the past of think?
Which is (quick): a bike or a motorbike?
I´m ... to the radio now. Listening or Hearing?
I can ... the cars in the street. Listen or Hear?
Si smädný v tejto chvíli?
Are you thirsty at the moment?
What is the superlative of good?
the best
What is the comparative of bad?
What is the superlative of a few?
the fewest
What is the comparative of little?
I have a few work today. Right or Wrong?
There are a few people. Right or Wrong?