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Sen to Chihiro

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many passengers are there on the train to Zeniba's home?
Two: Chihiro and No Face
How many fingers does Kamaji have in each hand?
What color are Haku's eyes?
What does Chihiro's dad think the abandoned building is?
An abandoned theme park
What challenge does Chihiro have to pass to win her and her parents freedom?
She must identify her pig parents
Who stays with Zeniba in her house?
No Face
How is No Face restored to his normal, quiet self?
Chihiro gives him a special food
What does Zeniba turn the baby into?
A mouse
What does Zeniba want back from Haku?
A golden seal/ring
What kind of creatures attack Haku?
Paper figures
Who gives gold to people?
No Face
What does the "stink god" turn out to be?
A river god
What item does Chihiro first pull out of the "stink god"?
A bibycle
What is Chihiro's first job, shared with Lin?
Cleaning the big tub
What name does Yubaba give to Chihiro?
Who lives with Yubaba at the top of the tower?
A giant baby
How many arms does Kamaji have?
From whom does Chihiro ask for work first? (Yubaba / Kamaji / Kaku)
Why is Chihiro different from the other people in the bathhouse?
She's a human
What must Chihiro do on the bridge, to avoid detection by the spirits?
Hold her breath
What does Haku give to Chihiro that stops her from fading into invisibility?
What marks the limit with the spirit world?
A river / bridge
What activity turns Chihiro's parents into pigs?
Eating too much
What brand of car does Chihiro's father drive?
Why are Chihiro and her parents in a car?
Because they're are moving to a new town