Edit Game
Unit 9 and 10 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She _________________ (ought to/think) twice before trying to pick up that caterpillar. Some of them are poisonous.
ought to think
You __________________ (go) outside to play football. You'll break something if you play in here. Fill in the blank with "had better" and the correct form of the verb.
had better go
She wants to get better grades, so she is following a strict study schedule. Rewrite this sentence with "so as to..."
She is following a strict study schedule so as to get better grades.
He is too slow to be an Olympic sprinter. Rewrite this sentence using "enough."
He isn't fast enough to be an Olympic sprinter.
You must eat vegetables to have a balanced diet. Rewrite this sentence to include "in order.."
In order to have a balanced diet, you must eat vegetables. OR You must eat vegetables, in order to have a balanced diet.
Add a question tag: Gouda's your favorite cheese, __________?
isn't it
Add a question tag: You like to dance, ___________?
don't you
Add a question tag: You wouldn't dare.....____________?
would you?
Add a question tag: I should eat breakfast before going on the hike, ______________?
shouldn't I?
Everything was going according to plan until I broke my leg. That really threw ___________________ (an expression that means to make things more complicated).
threw a monkey wrench into the works
Today was the worst! I locked my keys in my car and had to _____________ out a lot of money for the locksmith to come get them out.
A: I went to a new hairdresser because her prices were low but she completely ruined my hair. Person B: Well, if you pay __________, you get _____________.
pay peanuts you get monkeys
Use "monkey business" in a sentence. And define if the definition isn't clear from your sentence.
silly or playful acts
Complete the sentence: If it ___________ (rain) tomorrow, she _________________ (move) her party inside.
rains, will move
Complete the sentence: If I start a new book, I _____________ (not/sleep) until I finish it.
will not sleep
Complete the sentence: If I were you, I ________________(go) to the doctor
would go
Complete the sentence: If a UFO landed in my yard, I ____________(faint).
would faint
Complete the sentence: When water reaches 100*C, it __________ (boil).
Which form of the conditional (0, 1, or 2) talks about imaginary scenarios or something that is unlikely to happen?
Which form of the conditional (0, 1 or 2) talks about general truths or scientific facts.
If something is really expensive we can say it "cost...."
cost a fortune
What do you call the shop/place you go to get medicine or fill prescriptions?
chemist's or pharmacy
What do you call the shop where you go to get glasses?
the optician's