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Personal Pronouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The elephant is big.
It is big.
Quito is a nice city.
It is a nice city.
The computer is old.
It is old.
My dog is small.
It is small.
Ecuador is a small country.
It is a small country.
The car is green.
It is green.
My dogs and I are fast.
We are fast.
Karina, Mia and I are doctors.
We are doctors.
My friend and I are classmates.
We are classmates.
Mateo and I are best friends.
We are best friends.
Anita and I are teachers.
We are teachers.
Ivanna Lopez is thirsty.
She is thirsty. / I am thirsty.
Sara Jiménez is sleepy.
She is sleepy. / I am sleepy.
Joel Jacome is hungry.
He is hungry. / I am hungry.
Ruben Gonzalez is happy.
He is happy. / I am happy.
My sister is a chef.
She is a chef.
Roger Boada is tall.
He is tall. / I am tall.
Valentina Carvajal is my friend.
She is my friend. / I am my/your friend.
Isabella Chavez is tall.
She is tall. / I am tall.
My grandma is sad.
She is sad.
My grandpa is in the house.
He is in the house.
Rosa is my teacher.
She is my teacher.
Carlos is my friend.
He is my friend.
My mother is tall.
She is tall.
My father is old.
He is old.
The teacher is my friend.
She is my friend. / He is my friend.
Zoey Salas is in Quito.
She is in Quito. / I am in Quito.
Leonel Peñaranda is happy.
He is happy. / I am happy .
Sofía is tired.
She is tired.
Jonathan is a doctor.
He is a doctor.