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1st vs. 2nd conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Daniel has an exam tomorrow. If Daniel _____ (pass) his exam, he _____ (celebrate) with his friends.
If Daniel passes his exam, he'll celebrate with his friends.
The Olympic Games are held every four years. If the Olympics ____ (be) held every year, they _____ (not/be) so interesting.
If the Olympics were held every year, they wouldn't be so interesting.
Derek doesn't have a car. It takes him two hours to get to work. If Derek ____ (have) a car, it ______ (not/take) him so long to get to work.
If Derek had a car, it wouldn't take him so long to get to work.
Anne's boss is very demanding. If Anne's boss ______ (not/be) so demanding, she ______ (not/be) so stressed.
If Anne's boss wasn't so demanding, she wouldn't be so stressed.
Kate is out of work, but she goes shopping every day. If Kate ______ (continue) to go shopping, she ________ (run out) of money.
If Kate continues to go shopping, she'll run out of money.
John works 12 hours a day. If John _________ (not/be) so busy, he _____ (have) more time for his family.
If John wasn't so busy, he'd have more time for his family.
Patrick is deciding whether to go to France or Spain on his next holiday. If Patrick _______ (go) to Spain, he ________ (be) very satisfied.
If Patrick goes to Spain, he'll be very satisfied.
According to the weather forecast there is a chance of snow tomorrow. If it _______ (snow), I ________ (need) to buy a pair of gloves.
If it snows, I'll need to buy a pair of gloves.