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My Little Pony Quiz

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Who is she and does she comes in the grp of main 6?
she is Rainbow Dash and she comes in the grp of main 6
What species are they? Where do they live?
Griffons and they live in griffon stone named place
What species are they?
Hippo Griffs
Who is she and what is her species?
She is Autumn Blaze and her species is Kirin
What is her name and what is her species? (appears in my little pony the movie)
She is Queen Novo, the Queen of Sea Equestria, she is Sea pony
The ponies start celebrating the "Hearth's warming Eve" after defeating...?
after the defeating Windogos
What does Luna turn into because of her anger with Celestia?
"Nightmare moon Princess"
Who is he?
What are these creatures grp known as called?
"The Young 6"
What are these ponies name and what is the grp name?
She is Sweetie Belle, Scootloo and Apple Bloom, Grp name- Cutie Mark Crusaders
What is her name and is she evil?
she is Cozy Glow and she is evil
Who is he?
Lord Tirek
Who is she and is she is evil?
she is Queen of changelings "Chrysalis" and she is evil
Who is she?
Trixie Lulamoon
Name all the pillars of old Equestria
Mage Meadowbrook, Rock Hooves, Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Mist Mane, Somnambula,
Who is he? Is he evil or good?
He is Discord, he was evil before but fluttershy make him good, and now he is not evil any more and also futtershy's best friend
What is Futtershy's cutie mark?
3 butterflies
What is Rarity's talent?
Best fashion designer of Equestria
Who is he?
What is Twilight's brother's name?
Shining Armor
What is Apple Jack's element type?
How many elements of harmony are there? Name the types.
There are 6: Element of magic, kindness, generosity, loyal, laughter and honesty
What does Pinkie Pie love to do?
Making cupcakes, eating sweets and giving the best parties to others so they have fun and smile :)
Was Starlight Glimmer evil before or was she always kind?
She was evil before, but Twilight told her the importance of friendship, then she became a good pony and Twilight's best friend/first student.
What is the name of Twilight's school?
"The school of friendship"
What are Twilight and her friends known as?
"The mane 6"
How many princess dose Equestria have? Name them
There are 4 Princesses: Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence
What is Princess Cadence's daughter's name?
Princess Flurry Heart
What was the name of last episode of my little pony?
"The last problem"
When did My Little Pony generation 2 start and end?
Start- 2010 End- 2019