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Butterflies: Compare and Contrast Nonfiction Tex ...

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How are both passages the same?
They both tell facts about butterflies.
They both tell about the proboscis.
They both tell about the pupa stage.
How is Passage 2 different from Passage 1?
Passage 2 tells about molting.
Passage 2 tells about butterflies.
Passage 2 tells about wings.
How is Passage 1 different from Passage 2?
Passage 1 has illustrations.
Passage 1 tells about the life cycle of a butterfly.
How is Passage 1 different from Passage 2?
Passage 1 has captions.
Passage 1 has a map.
Passage 1 tells about flowers.
How is Passage 2 different from Passage 1?
Passage 2 tells about the pupa stage.
Passage 2 has many photographs.
Passage 2 tells about the proboscis.
How is Passage 1 different from Passage 2?
Passage 1 tells about the proboscis.
Passage 1 has no pictures.
Passage 1 tells about the larva stage.
What is the main topic of both passages?
Both passages explained the life cycle of a butterfly.