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Ecosystems and habitats

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The parts of Earth where life can exist (the sum of all ecosystems) is called
the Biosphere
give an example of a large ecosystem
rainforest, desert, tundra, forest, etc
Give an example of a small ecosystem
True or false? All ecosystems are small
What are some things that determine living conditions?
temperature, soil, sunlight, air
What are offspring?
babies (crías)
Why is shelter important?
Protection from predators; protection for offspring
What are some things living things need to thrive in an ecosystem?
Water, food, shelter, living conditions
When does an organism thrive?
Organisms can only thrive when their needs are met
The conditions in an ecosystem are created by the living or non-living things?
non-living things
put these words in order from smallest to biggest: organism, ecosystem, biosphere, population, community
organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
Give examples of non-living things in an ecosystem
water, rocks, soil, temperature, light, air etc
Give examples of living things in an ecosystem
plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms
Ecosystems can be classified into two main groups. What are they?
Terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems
What is an ecosystem?
Living and non-living things in one place and how they function together (their relationships)