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Michi and Me

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Michi is like my s....
What is the good news?
Michi's mom is feeling better and she can pack up to go home now.
Does Michi play by herself some days?
Yes, she does.
Michi showed me how to eat with ...
Michi doesn't always like what they e... for meals.
What does Michi draw on the card?
She draws hearts, flowers and stars on the card.
What do they make?
They make a get-well card for Michi's mom.
One day my sister s... that Michi is sad.
Who can always make Michi smile?
Brother can always make Michi smile.
Is Michi worried about her mom?
Yes, she is worried.
Can Michi pick which bed she wants?
Yes, she can.
Why does Michi come to stay with her?
Because Michi's mom is in the hospital.