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Shark Week Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the shark's most dangerous predator?
Are all shark gray o black uniform colored?
No, some have spots or stripes
Which shark is tne exception of the shark's torpedo shape body?
The Hammerhead Shark
What is the diet for most sharks?
Carnivores, but one eats krill and algae
Where do sharks can live?
Artic Ocean and Tropical Waters
What are the functions of the denticles on shark's skin?
Protective layer, smoother surface to swim better
How many teeth does a shark can have at moment?
300 teeth, 7 rows
What is the name of the biggest fossil shark?
Which one is the fastest shark?
The Mako Shark
How do sharks breathe?
Shark breathe through their gills
Which is one of the most dangerous sharks that human now?
White Shark
What is best sense that sharks have?
They can smell blood half a mile away, great eyesight, feel vibrations
How are sharks born?
Sharks can lay eggs or be born alive.
Which one is the biggest shark ?
The whale shark
What are shark's bones made of?
Sharks have cartilagenous bones