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Environmental Quality of Life

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much waste (in kg) did Hong Kong people generate on a daily basis in 2019? (round to nearest d.p.)
Identify three types of waste that are considered "Municipal Solid Waste"
Food waste, plastics, paper, glass, metal etc.
Identify and explain two reasons why public space is important in any city / country.
To relax outside of your home environment / a scene for music & culture
Identify two causes of air pollution.
Pollution from vehicles, smog from factories and power plants
Name one cause of water pollution.
Trash thrown into sea, Inadequate sewage treatment
Name two causes of noise pollution.
Traffic noise, construction noise
One of the causes of land pollution is _______. One of the factors that contributes to this cause is _______.
Municipal solid waste; consumerism / fast fashion etc.
In 2013, the Environmental Bureau had estimated that HK's 3 landfills would be full by which year?
In the city, HK is particularly hot in the summer due to this effect...
Urban Heat Island Effect