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Parts of the plant

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the wheat a bush, a grass or a tree?
Is the chuquiragua a grass, a bush or a tree?
Are the roses bushes, grasses or trees?
How are the stems in the grasses?
They are thin green and flexible
How are the stems in the bushes?
Bushes have many thin but hard stems that come out from the ground
How is the stem in the tree?
It is one thick and hard stem
What is the female part of the plant?
What is the name of this part in the flower?
What are the green leaves on the bottom of the flower?
How do you call a group of petals?
Name three uses of plants
clothes, medicine, perfume, construction, paper, furniture, etc
What does a plant need to make photosyntheis?
water, nutrients, sun, and carbon dioxide
Where is located the pollen?
on the stamen
What is the male part of the plant?
What is the female part of the plant?
pistil or stamen
What is pollination?
It is the pass the pollen from one plant to another to reproduce.
What is photosynthesis?
It is the proceses in which plants produce their own food.
What part of the plant is this?
Describe two functions of the leaves
They help the plant to breathe. They make food for the plant.
Describe two functions of the flower.
It produces seeds and it helps the plant to reproduce.
Describe two functions of the stem
The stem transports water and nutrients to the plant. It holds the plant up right.
Describe two functions of the roots
They absorb the water and nutrients from the soil. They hold the plant to the ground.