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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do to help animals this spring?
bird feeders, compost, plant flowers for pollinators, fountain with running water, observe from a distance, bee hotel
What colour are a robin's eggs?
What is the weather like in spring?
rain, sun, cloud, warmer
Some animals wake up in spring and start to look for food. Can you name one?
bear, ground hog, turtle
What holidays do we have in the spring?
Easter, Passover,  24, Mother's Day
Name three different kinds of bugs.
bee, ant, house fly, butterfly, wasp, fruit fly, catepillar, etc...
Name three different types of birds.
robin, blue jay, sparrow, cardinal, woodpecker, etc...
What is the best footwear you can wear outside in spring?
rubber boots or running shoes
What is one of the first flowers you see in spring?
dandelions, daffodils, tulips, blossoms, etc..
What kind of animals do you see when spring starts?
rabbits, birds, worms, bugs, etc...