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Movie Trivia 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What movie won an Oscar for best animated film this year ?
What is the name of the biggest movie award ceremony in Hollywood?
The Oscars (academy awards)
The story of Frozen could be considered a _______ genre
Star Wars can be considered a ______ film
Sci fi
A film with a lot of characters singing is considered a ______ film
A film where a volcano erupts is a ______ film
This film genre is defined by their setting and time period. The story needs to take place in the America, during the 19th century, and will often feature horse riding,  violent and non-violent interaction with Native American tribes,
This film genre is defined by the changes and trajectory of technology and science. Science fiction will often incorporate space, biology, energy, time, and any other observable science
Sci- fi
This film genre is defined by intimate relationships. Sometimes these movies can have a darker twist, but the idea is to lean on the natural conflict derived from the pursuit of intimacy and love.
This film genre is centered upon depicting terrifying or macabre events for the sake of entertainment. Delivered throughout the film, 
This film deals with accurate representations of history accounts which can include biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. The other section is made up of fictional movies that are placed inside an accurate depiction of a setting
This film genre is defined by both circumstance and setting inside a fictional universe with an unrealistic set of natural laws.
This film genre is defined by conflict and often looks to reality rather than sensationalism. Emotions and intense situations are the focus, but where other genres might use unique or exciting moments to create a feeling.
This film genre deals with both sides of the criminal justice system but does not focus on legislative matters or civil suits and legal actions
This film genre is genre is defined by inanimate objects being manipulated to appear as though they are living. Includes traditional, stop motion, and CGI.
This film genre is defined by risks and stakes. Content includes , including fight scenes, stunts, car chases, and general danger.
This  film genre is defined by events that are intended to make someone laugh, no matter if the story is macabre, droll, or zany.