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Office Administration 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some people like a .............of sugar in their tea.
There's a big............outside the building with spaces for 100 cars.
car park
"Mrs Connor's office is on the 22nd floor. You can take the .........."
"Mrs Connor's office is on the 22nd fllor. You can take the .........."
You keep the important documents in a...........
filing cabinet.
When you leave the reception area, the kitchen is the second door ...............
on your right.
Office 1 is ..................office 2.
next to
The meeting room is .................the kitchen.
The mouse is between the coffee cup and the .................
The keyboard is ..................the screen.
in front of
There's a lamp next to the ...........
What's this?
This is a hole punch.
What day is Christmas?
The 25th of December.
What is the third day of the week?
The transport of items to a location is the ..........
What's this?
This is a writing pad.
What are these?
These are staples.
True or false? " When you replace something, you change it for a new one".
True or false? "The paper size shows how big the paper is".
Complete the sentence: "The photocopier in our office is ....... We got it last week".
Complete the sentence: "There isn't enough space to put the photocopier in this corridor. It's too......."
Complete the sentence: The photocopier in our office is ....... We got it last week.
What's the opposite of " turn on"?
Turn off.
What's the opposite of "enlarge"?
What are these?
Ring binders.