Edit Game
Unit 8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the question: Ankor Wat was built in the 12th century.
When was Ankor Wat built?
Write the question: The car was invented in Germany.
Where were cars invented?
Write the question: Movies were invented in 1888.
When were movies invented?
Write the question: The book was published in 1911.
When was the book published?
Write the question: I was born in 1993.
When were you born?
Write the question: The school was built in 1902.
When was the school built?
Write using Past Passive: Machines _________ ____________ to build the cathedral. (use)
Machines were used to build the cathedral.
Write using Past Passive: The purse __________ _____________ by the shop assistant. (find)
The purse was found by the shop assistant.
Write using Present Passive: The bread ________ ___________ in the oven. (bake)
The bread is baked in the oven.
Write using Present Passive: The plants _______ _____________ by the gardener. (water)
The plants are watered by the gardener.
Write using Past Passive: The phone_______ _____________ by the receptionist. (answer)
The phone was answered by the receptionist.
Write using Past Passive: The kitten _______ _____________ by a loving family. (buy)
The kitten was bought by a loving family.
To destroy the enemy you will need many ______________.
The artwork was _________ by a thief in the middle of the night.
Past of 'keep'.
How much something costs.
The Mona Lisa ___________ has been visited by millions of tourists.
The police officer took the _______ to jail.
To end / complete something.
A place to go and worship.
Really really old.
MOM! There are scary ______________ in my closet!
Very special.
One hundred years.