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zero or first conditional vol. 1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If the weather ___________ (be) nice, we ____________ (take) our dog for a walk.
If the weather is nice, we will take our dog for a walk.
If you ______________ (sit) in the sun for a long time, you ___________ (get) burn.
If you sit in the sun for a long time, you get burn.
If you ___________ (be) hungry, you _____________ (eat).
If you are hungry, you eat.
My parents ________ (travel) around the world if they _________ (win) the lottery.
My parents will travel around the world if they win the lottery.
When you ___________ (not/drink), you _____________ (be) thirsty.
When you don't drink, you are thirsty.
If she __________ (find) her notebook, she ______________ (do) her homework.
If she finds her notebook, she will do her homework.
We ___________ (not/go) out if it _______________ (not/stop) raining.
We won't go out if it doesnt stop raining.
I _____________ (not / give) her a present if she ________ (continue) behave like this.
I won't give her a present if she continues behave like this.
If you _______ (be) confident, I think you _______ (do) well in the interview.
If you are confident, I think you'll do well in the interview.
If we ________ (leave) at 10AM, _________ (we/be) late?
If we leave at 10AM, will we be late?
Plants can't survive if you ___________ (not/water) them.
Plants can't survive if you don't water them.
You ___ (be) much happier if you ___ (find) a less stressful job.
You will be much happier if you find a less stressful job.
I ______ (quit) my job if _______ (not/get) a pay rise.
I'll quit my job if don't get a pay rise.
If you send this letter today, she ________ (receive) it tomorrow.
If you send this letter today, she'll receive it tomorrow.
If you ___________ (not/come) to my party, I _________ (be) sad.
If you don't come to my party, I'll be sad.
If you touch fire, you _________ (get) burned.
If you touch fire, you get burned.