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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One day, the baby w...
Are they good friends now?
Yes, they are.
What happens in a volcano?
Diego falls and Manny helps him.
They go down the ...
Where does Diego go at night?
He goes to his friends.
Why is Diego angry?
Because he wants the baby, but Manny has it.
Does Diego really help Sid and Manny?
No, he doesn't.
What does Diego want?
He wants the baby.
Manny wants to look for baby's ...
What happens to mother?
She falls into the water and disappears.
What do Sid and Manny see?
They see a woman with a baby in the water.
Does Diego like water?
No, he doesn't like water.
One day, they see men and women in a ...
Does Manny want a friend?
No, he doesn't want a friend.
Who is running after Sid?
Some big animals are running after Sid.