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Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He [be] so funny!
He's so funny!
Every morning, Jason [brush] his teeth.
Every morning, Jason brushes his teeth.
Jenny usually [walk] to work, but today she [cycle].
Jenny usually walks to work, but today she is cycling.
Be quiet! I [listen] to music.
Be quiet! I'm listening to music.
Oh no, it [rain].
Oh no, it's raining.
I'll meet you later, I [do] homework right now.
I'll meet you later, I'm doing homework right now.
Have you met my sister? She [live] near you.
Have you met my sister? She lives near you.
Rick hardly ever [do] housework.
Rick hardly ever does housework.
Do you [eat] rice every day?
Do you eat rice every day?
Laura usually [arrive] early for class.
Laura usually arrives early for class.
Tom never [read] comics.
Tom never reads comics.
We often [go] to the cinema.
We often go to the cinema.
My dad sometimes [help] when my mom [cook] dinner.
My dad sometimes helps when my mom is cooking dinner.
Every weekend, I [clean] my bedroom.
Every weekend, I clean my bedroom.
I'll do it later, I [make] a sandwich at the moment.
I'll do it later, I'm making a sandwich at the moment.
Rabbits [eat] nuts.
Rabbits eat nuts.
Do you [speak] French or German?
Do you speak French or German?
My uncle always [visit] us in the summer.
My uncle always visits us in the summer.
I [clean] my bike every month.
I clean my bike every month.
Listen! The teacher [talk].
Listen! The teacher is talking!
My puppy always [jump] on my bed.
My puppy always jumps on my bed.
I [like] chocolate.
I like chocolate.
She [love] black and white horses.
She loves black and white horses.
Steve [have] big brown eyes.
Steve has big brown eyes.
She [write] to her friend every week.
She writes to her friend every week.
He [not / have] any sisters.
He doesn't have any sisters.
We [not / walk] to school today.
We aren't walking to school today.
Rob [not / work] on Sundays.
Rob doesn't work on Sundays.
Alice [not / eat] with us today.
Alice isn't eating with us today.
They [not / come] to class today.
They aren't coming to class today.