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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do we know that white light is made of so many colors?
Prism experiment
How do we see red apple?
When white light hits a red apple, the apple absorbs all of the colors except for red.
What do we need to see color?
We need light to see colors.
What is white light?
White light, such as sunlight, is a mixture of many colors of light.
Unscramble: If an object / of light, / it will look black. / absorbs all the colors
If an object absorbs all the colors of light, it will look black
Unscramble : and the rest is reflected. / some of the light / When it / hits an object, / is absorbed by the object
When it hits an object, some of the light is absorbed by the object and the rest is reflected.
Unscramble: how many colors / Look around you / and count / you can see.
Look around you and count how many colors you can see.
to be made up of or include something
consist of
a thing that can be seen or touched but that is not alive
a scientific test used to find out new information
to send back light, sound, or heat from a surface
to take something in
a thing made by combining two or more things
not including
a solid glass or crystal object that light can pass through
the light of the sun
the part of something that is left over
to point a light at something
to find the total of something
to look or seem like something