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KB5 Year Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 sports which you don't need any equipment to play.
yoga, running, speed walking, pilates
Name a sport where only two people can touch the ball with their hands
What does this sign mean?
turn around
What does this sign mean?
go past, walk straight on
What's this person doing?
going upstairs, climbing the stars
Where is the hospital?
In front of the post office, next to the bookstore, opposite the police station or on the corner of south street and east street.
Name a sport which uses a racquet but not a ball
Where are the red trainers?
Under the bed
Name 4 sports you can only do in winter or snow/ice
sledging, skiing, snowboarding, ice-skating, ice hockey
To play this sport you need clubs and a small ball
You use racquets and a yellow ball to play this game
Name the four seasons of the year.
spring, summer, autumn (or fall) & winter
Fossils often have ______ of animals inside
Butterflies can have stripes or _______ on their wings
Birds have feathers, breaks and _________
You see someone dropping rubbish on the ground, what should you do?
tell them to pick it up or pick it up yourself and recycle it.
The most common material in the world is?
A material we get from trees is _______
wood or paper
The sense which uses your eyes is known as ______
During a storm you'll hear thunder and see _______________.
To get from one side to the other of a river you cross a _____
You can see old statues and paintings in a ___________
Kings and Queens live in _____________
castles, palaces
TV programmes which make you laugh are known as _______________
When there's an underwater earthquake it causes a giant wave called a ________
__________ is a really strong, destructive wind.
Actors sing and dance in a ___________
A. comedy B. musical C. drama
Name three materials that we can get from animals
leather, wool, bone, fur or feathers
Three materials we can recycle are ?
plastic, paper and cardboard.
The person who looks after your teeth is your ________
We use this with a knife when we eat?
A subject where you learn about mountains, rivers and lakes is _________
To find out what's happening in the world you watch?
A. documentaries B. comedies C. the news
I work in a laboratory, I'm a .......
The study of French, German and English is called?
Which sense do we associate with food?
Basketball, football, tennis, we learn how to play sports in which subject?
P.E. - Physical Education