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Children's day

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you celebrate Children's day at your schoo?
We celebrate...
What are your likes and dislikes?
I like... I don't like....
Many children in Colombia don't have clean water and don't have hospitals to go. What right is violated?
A) Right to health and see a doctor B) Right to Education
What right is violated when a child has to work and can't go to school?
A) Right to health (go to the doctor) B) Right to Education
Who created the International children's day?
A) President Duque B) The United Nations C) The congress of Colombia.
Which one of these is not a childrens right?
A) Right to have a family, B) Right to basic needs C) Right to work D) Right to play
When was celebrated Children's day for the first time in Colombia?
A) In 2000 B) In 1985 C) in 1999
Why is Children's day celebrated?
A) To promote and protect childrend's rights B) To Comemorate children who died during world war I C) All are correct.
When is celebrated the Children's day in Colombia?
A) April 14th, B) April 4 C) April 24th