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What happens when you try to sleep in end??
It blasts
how many hostile mobs are in minecraft
Congratulations, you have won 25 points
From whom skeletons are scared???
From whom creepers get scared.
When zombies stays in water for 15 seconds??
It becomes drowned
Which block is this and how to make it???
Jack - o - lantern. Put craved pumpkin and torch together to make it.
Which block is this????
Which block is this ?????
Which block is this ???
Dark prismarine
Who is this??
How to breed llamas???
Using haybals
How many biomes are there in minecraft
Who is the best player of minecraft
How to spawn ender dragon
craft four End Crystals and place one on each side of the exit portal in The End. This will cause the Ender Dragon to respawn
Which type of sword does herobrine??
Diamond sword
Who are the two default players of minecraft
Alex and steve
Who is the main Creator of minecraft
Who is the most powerful in minecraft
Which co-ordinate is best to mine diamonds
You get free 25 points
Who are they and how to tame them?
The are llamas. Llamas can be tamed by repetitively riding them until hearts are displayed, done by pressing use on the llama while holding nothing.
Who is he and where he is found?when we kill him what we get????
He is Ender guardian and is found in Ocean monument.it may drop one or more of the following items: prismarine shards, prismarine crystals, raw fish, or wet spo
Tell any three things about this mob
His name is Ender dragon . He is the a boss mob and he is female.