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HF F unit 3 PT

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The males have a mane, but the females do not. a.lions b.cheetahs c. elephants
They have long trunks and big ears. a. lions b. zebras c. elephants
They’re tall and have very long necks.a. giraffes b.leopards c. lemurs
They are heavy and gray. They live in the river. a. gorillas b.hippos c. leopards
They have black and white striped tails. They live in trees. a. zebras b. lemurs c. giraffes
Unscramble and write the sentences.are / Lions / than / leopards / heavier / .
Lions are heavier than leopards.
Unscramble and write the sentences. shorter / giraffes / Hippos / are / than / .
Hippos are shorter than giraffes.
Unscramble and write the sentences. lemurs / are / stronger / Crocodiles / than / .
Crocodiles are stronger than lemurs.
Fill in the gaps with ( but, and, or).Do giraffes have necks....... trunks?
Fill in the gaps with ( but, and, or).Zebras have stripes........ they don’t have spots
Fill in the gaps with ( but, and, or).Rhinos are big........ gray
The cheetah (have/has) small spots, but the leopards large spots.
The rhino (have/has) short horns.
Gorillas(have/has) long arms and short legs.