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Le Petit Poulet

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did le Petit Poulet (Little Chicken) hear that the sky was falling?
On the computer / The internet
What happens to the animals at the end?
The fox brought them in the cage and the rest is history...
Where did the fox bring the animals?
To a cave
Where was le renard (the fox) first introduced?
At the cafe
How many animals are there in this story?
What does "Le ciel est en train de tomber!" mean?
The sky is falling!
Is le renard (the fox) a good guy or bad guy?
bad guy
Who did little chicken meet at the cafe?
Gerard le renard / The fox
At the farm, little chicken saw l'oie and ....
Le pigeon / the pigeon
At the farm, little chicken saw le pigeon and ....
L'oie / The geese
Who did little chicken meet at the pond?
The duck / Carine la cane
Who did little chicken meet on the road?
The hen / Pauline la poule
What does the word "Silly" mean in french?
What does the word "Big" mean in french?
What does the word "Petit" mean in english?
What does the word "Grand" mean in english?