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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They were bored because there was ....... to do.
The teacher gave ....... of the students a piece of paper.
The more they enter ...... desert, ...... less water they can find.
the / the
......people live in the rural area now than in the past.
My mother doesn't drink ...... coffee.
...... sun rises from ..... east.
Could you bring me ..... books I left in the garden?
Did you get married after leaving .....university ?
zero article
He thinks that...... love is what will save us all.
zero article
I think ..... man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.
I don't which of these courses I should take . I need.....good three-credit English course.
a good three-credit English course
..........degrees at an university are awarded during the ceremony at the end of each semester.
zero article
Be sure to take advantage of .......advertising that is offered to incoming freshman.
..........last things all students have to do at.......end of each semester is take their final exams
The last .....the end
..........diploma is often a guarantee to .....well-paid job
a / a
The kids are sitting at .... table eating ..... noodles.
the/zero articles
She has..... strong alibi. She was at .... cinema at the moment the crime was committed.
I was at .... train station when you called me.
Did you get married after leaving .....university?
zero articles