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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The tension in the room seemed ___ . ENDURE
We have caused enough harm by our ___, irresponsible, selfish behaviour. THINK-WORD FORMATION
But the level of social welfare was so high that poverty was ___ . THINK -WORD FORMATION
WORD FORMATION- People are being ________ into parting with their money. LEAD
WORD FORMATION- The music was ___ loud, you couldn't hear yourself think. BELIEVE
I've had a very sheltered ___, so this has really been an eye-opener. BRING -WORD FORMATION
It worries me that I don´t speak another language well. WHAT ____________________________________ I don´t speak another language well.
What worries me is that
I resolved the problem by taking an extra suitcase. TAKE ____________________________________ an extra suitcase.
What I did was take
I only got my money back after weeks of calling. MANAGE Only after weeks of calling ______________________________ to get my money back.
did I manage
I thought you wanted me to invite him. IMPRESSION I was _____________________________you wanted me to invite him.
under the impression
She said she wouldn´t fund my art course if I didn´t work harder. THREATENED She ________________________________ my art course if I didn´t work harder.
threatened not to fund
She never doubted that she would be able to meet the challenge. TIME __________________________________ that she would be able to meet the challenge.
At no time did she doubt
I had only just got on the train when it left! BARELY __________________________________ on the train when it left!
Barely had I got
She´s never been in greater need of a friend than now. HARDLY __________________________________ in greater need of a friend.
Hardly has she ever been
I had only just arrived when he insisted on going out again. SOONER __________________________________ he insisted on going out again.
No sooner had I arrived than
I´ve not seen such a fantastic performance before. NEVER __________________________________ such a fantastic performance before.
Never have I seen
I regret speaking to him like that. WISH I _________________________________to him like that.
wish I hadn´t spoken
Gaynor´s friends persuaded her not to get married in spring. TALKED It was Gaynor´s friends __________________getting married in spring.
who talked her out of
My brother Sam was very surprised to be offered the job. CAME The job offer ________________________ my brother Sam.
came as a surprise to
I don´t think you´ll find it hard to find Cynthia´s house. DIFFICULTY I don´t think _________________________ finding Cynthia´s house.
you will have much difficulty
Fewer people live in extended family units in this country nowadays. COMMON It is ______________________________ to live in extended family units in this country nowadays.
not as common
What are the chances of the film winning an Oscar? LIKELY How ______________________________will win an Oscar?
likely is it that the film