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Light and heat

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A change of volume is called ___________________
Change of state: liquid --> solid
Change of state: gas --> liquid
Change of state: liquid --> gas
Change of state: Solid --> Liquid
Two examples of thermal insulators
Glass, plastic, wood, wool
Two examples of thermal conductors
Water and metals (copper, aluminium, gold, steel...)
_______________ do not transfer heat very well
______________ transfer heat very well
The flow of thermal energy from one object to another is called _____________
Lenses are examples of __________________
Mirrors are an example of ________________
When light hits a rough surface, the rays reflect in _____________________
many directions
When light hits a smooth surface, all rays reflect in _________________
one direction
_________________ occurs when light hits an object, passes and bends into another direction
_____________________ occurs when light hits an objects and bounces in another direction
What colours can we see? Reflected or absorbed
What are the three primary colours of light?
Red, blue and green
Example of an opaque material
Wood, metal
Example of a translucent material
Example of a transparent material
Opaque materials ______________ let light pass through them. We ______________ see anything
don't, cannot
Translucent materials let ______________ light pass through them. We can see objects, but _____________ clearly
some, not
Transparent materials ______________ light pass through them. We ___________ see objects clearly
let, can
What are the three types of light materials?
Transparent, translucent and opaque materials
How do we make light?
There is a chemical reaction
Light travels in ____________________
Straight line
White light is composed of _____________________
7 colours
Light is the __________________ form of energy
What are the three characteristics of light?
Speed, colour and direction
Example of an artificial light source
Bulb, candle, torch
Example of a natural light source
What are the two types of light?
Natural and artificial
What is light?
It's a form of energy that let us see objects