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CIE Research Methods

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What is the most generalisable study and why?
Any appropriate response
Name two studies that use an independent measures design
e.g. Bandura, Andrade,
What is meant by mundane realism?
How much a study mirrors the real world such as task environment
What are the three measures of central tendency we look at?
mean, mode, median
In which research was counterbalancing used in order to try and avoid order effects?
In what study was a structured interview used?
Schachter and Singer
Where was the sample in Andrade from?
Participant panel from the general public who were members of an Applied Psychology Unit participant panel
Identify one example of quantitative data collected in Bandura et al.
number of times child hit doll with mallet, number of b/g showing physical aggression, etc.
What ethical guidelines could cause demand characteristics and give an example of a piece of research this is not shown in.
Deception, informed consent. e.g. Piliavin et al there was not informed consent
What is an example of how order effects could be a problem in Laney et al.?
Responses may change on the questionnaires were done twice such as the food questionnaires
What is a disadvantage of the quantitative data used in Saavedra and Silverman?
Lacks reliability, difficult to interpret, researcher bias
What is meant by ecological validity?
How accurately the results can be applied to real life
How was 'object offer' operationalised in Yamamoto et al.?
Helper held out object, only first object counted, correct/incorrect tool offer
What was used as a control group in Schachter and Singer's research?
Misinformed and placebo
Name each dependent variable in Dement and Kleitman
Dream during REM/NREM, Length of dream, content
What is the independent variable?
Condition that an experimenter systematically manipulates
What is the difference between a population and sample?
Population is where the sample is drawn from
What is a hypothesis?
a testable prediction