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What is it called when you try to make a goal? shoot scoop
Name 2 skills in lacrosse
shoot -pass- scoop
In basketball, you dribble the ball down the court. In lacrosse you .... dribble or run with ball
run with ball
In soccer you kick the ball to another person. In lacrosse you throw it to another person. What is this called? Passing or driblling
What is it called when you pick up the ball on the ground with your stick? scoop or throw
What sport is similar to lacrosse? They both score goals? soccer football
What is the object of lacrosse? score a goal or make a basket?
score a goal
What equipment to you use in lacrosse? stick or bat
WHere does your throwing hand go on the stick? the but or the middle
What is the name of the bottom part of the stick? butt basket
What is the name of the part where you hold your hands? shaft/pole or basket
What is the name of the part where you catch the ball? shaft or basket