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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tom and Huck sign their vow in.....
Who seals the cave's entrance?
Judge Thatcher.
Who acquired two bibles at Sunday School for memorizing bible verses
Tom Sawyer
School master
Mr Dobbins
Who is accused of the murder of Dr. Robinson?
Muff Porter
Tom's first girlfriend
Amy Lawrence
new girl in town whom Tom likes
Becky Thatcher
Town orphan and friend to Tom Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn
Who killed who at the graveyard? What did he do with the knife?
Injun Joe killed Dr. Robinson and he put the knife in Muff Potter's hand.
Who were the graverobbers? Name them.
Muff Porter, Injun Joe and Dr. Robinson
What does Tom win with his tickets at Sunday School?
A bible
What is Tom's recent accomplishment?
Where does Aunt Polly find Tom?
In a closet.
Who is Jim?
A boy who works at the house.
Who is Tom's half brother?
What is Tom's full name?
Thomas Sawyer