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States of matter

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Identify the solid, liquid, and gas in the picture.
Solid: table, glass, ice. Liquid: cola. Gas: bubbles in cola.
What do we call water when it is a solid?
What do we call water when it is a gas?
Water vapour.
What do we use to measure temperature?
A thermometer.
What do we call the temperature at which a substance boils?
Boiling point.
What do we call the temperature at which a substance melts?
Melting point.
Describe the phase change of an ice cube put into a hot pan.
Solid + heat = liquid and then liquid + more heat = gas.
What is freezing?
When a liquid cools and it changes into a solid.
What is boiling?
It is when liquid is heated and it changes into a gas.
What is melting?
When a solid is heated and it changes into a liquid.
What causes melting?
What is the change from solid to liquid called?
Describe the particle model of a gas.
Particles are spaced far apart. This means gas can have any shape. It can also be squashed easily.
Describe the particle model of a liquid.
Particles are close together but can slide past each other and change places. This means liquids can change shape easily.
Describe the particle model of a solid.
Particles are tightly packed in fixed positions. This makes it difficult for a solid to change shape.
Give an example of a gas.
Any gas.
Give two examples of a liquid.
Any liquids.
Give two examples of a solid.
Any solid item.
What are the three states of matter?
solid, liquid, gas.